
Since 2022, MMAP has awarded over $10.1 million to 53 Massachusetts-based manufacturers.

Funding enables companies to meet industry demands and aids in manufacturing new technologies that align with key state industries. 

Elateq, Inc.

  • Grant Amount: $92,000
  • Location: Amherst, MA
  • Partner: MassMEP

Project: Elateq, Inc. is a woman-, minority-, and veteran-owned company that offers advanced electrochemical technologies for wastewater treatment, providing chemical-free, sustainable compliance solutions for water discharge. The MMAP grant will allow Elateq to acquire custom electrode modification tanks, an electrode preparation controller, and a 4300 handheld Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) analyzer. Elateq will be able to advance the manufacturing efficiencies and quality of their proprietary electrode material, and manufacture mixing components at-scale for their treatment units. Elateq expects to upskill 1-3 employees.https://cam.masstech.org/mmap-grants-awarded